Center for Research on Organizations and Workplaces

Center for Research on Organizations and Workplaces

Paweł Krzyworzeka

Paweł Krzyworzeka

Currently I am a Fulbright Visiting Scholar at Cornell University (on sabbatical leave from Kozminski University). At  the Kozminski University I am an Assistant Professor.

My scholarly interests embrace issues of broadly defined organizational culture. My current research focuses on issues of performance, emotions and transnational connections in business. I have examined these problems in my doctoral dissertation entitled Reception of North American Entrepreneurial Patterns under Polish Social and Cultural Conditions. The Case of Direct Selling Organisations. The research project was funded by a grant from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education.

You can contact me by email:

My recent publications:

  • Organizacje wiedzochłonne (Knowledge-intensive organizations), “e-mentor”, 3 (35)/2010.
  • Podglądanie w wydaniu biznesowym (Business snooping), „Marketing w Praktyce”, 04/2010.
  • Krzyworzeka, Paweł (2008) Kultura i organizacje. Perspektywa antropologiczna (Cultures and Organisations. An Anthropological Perspective). In: Nowe kierunki w zarządzaniu, ed. M. Kostera, Warszawa: Wydawnictwa Akademickie i Profesjonalne, pp. 179-197.
  • (op.cit.,) Maszyna Interpretacyjna ((op.cit.,)socio-cultural Polish journal), no. 2, 2008, editor of the special issue on anthropology of the internet.
  • Krzyworzeka, Paweł and Rogozińska, Anna (2008) W sieci, czyli w terenie? (In the Web, that is in the Field?). “(op.cit.,) Maszyna Interpretacyjna”, no. 2.

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